Monday, September 14, 2009

2 Months

Wyatt's 2 month stats:
Weight: 13 lbs 7 oz (87th percentile)
Length: 24.5 in (94th percentile)
OFC: 39 cm (28th percentile)
How did he get so big??!  Wyatt is growing so fast and changing every day it seems!  He is meeting all of his developmental milestones so far and still eating like a champ!  He is full of smiles and laughs most of the time.  He likes being snuggled, talked to, going for walks in his stroller, watching the TV (yikes!), sitting in his vibrating seat, and kicking his legs!  We feel very lucky and blessed to have such a healthy, easygoing little man with the most kissable cheeks!!
In other news, this is my last week of maternity leave.  I start back to work next Tues.  I will be working 3 12-hr night shifts every week so Derek gets full-time Daddy duty at night, then Wyatt will go to Grandpa's house during the day while I sleep.  I am nervous and sad to leave him but know that he will be in good hands.  Hoping for a smooth transition for all of us! 


Andrea said...

Good luck! I'll be thinking of you! It's really hard in the beginning, but it gets better!

The Cobb Family said...

I can't believe how big he is getting, he is so adorable! Where did you get his 1 month 2 month onesies, those are so cute. We only have 3 more weeks left until our little man arrives.