Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Wyatt finally made it through an entire Indians game!  I don't think he sat down loinger than 5 minutes the whole game, but no major meltdowns still = success!  He got a baseball bat and learned a new word "swing".  It was only slightly embarrassing that he kept swinging the bat like it was a golf club :)  Guess we have some work to do this summer... 

Friday, April 15, 2011


The same child who has worried his mother for months over his lack of words, can suddenly identify and say (most of) his letters!  And I had no idea he could do this.  I have been so focused on getting him to say words, I have never worked on letters with him.  Which leads us to believe he learned this from an iphone app.  Not sure if that would be considered a parenting WIN or FAIL, but either way I will take it.  At least he is saying something :)
Disclaimer:  this video is not great.  he does not perform well when the camera is out, and is easily distracted.  but you get the idea...