Thursday, March 18, 2010

8 Months

Finally getting to Wyatt's 8 month post...I did actually take the pictures on time just haven't had the chance to upload and edit them until now.  This full-time work schedule (and baby on the move) is really cutting into my computer time! :)  We had another "short" photo session this month... we are still struggling with consistent naps during the daytime, so poor napping=short attention span.  Not to mention, that he never stops moving!  I have a feeling these photo sessions are not going to get any easier in the coming months :)

"Is that how old I am now?  Wow!"

"Make sure you get this in the picture, Mom"

Check out that mad face...I think he is done!

Things Wyatt is up to at 8 months:
- His favorite activity is still the walker.  He loves to run around the house in it chasing the dogs and trying to get ahold of everything he isn't supposed to...Daddy's guitar is his new favorite "toy"  :)
- Loves to feed himself, especially anything he can hold onto...bananas, graham crackers, the mesh feeder.  Always trying to stuff as much as possible in his mouth...just like a boy :)
- Army crawls on his on all 4's then drops to belly and scoots everywhere!
- favorite thing to say is "uh-oh", also says mamama and bababa (don't think he really knows what they mean though!)
- gives big slobbery open mouth kisses (mommy's favorite when she gets home from work) and tight hugs
-has started turning himself to his belly to sleep at night

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