Sunday, May 16, 2010

10 Months

Running a little behind on the 10 month post.  We have been battling sickness in the McMillan house the past several weeks.  Wyatt had a nasty cold that turned into a double ear infection (his first...not exactly a first we were happy about!).  Then, after 10 days of antibiotics, he broke out in hives (another first)....and still had an ear infection.  Now we are working on another 10 day course of a stronger antibiotic and hoping that makes him a healthy boy (and doesn't produce more rashes!).  He has been a trooper through it all, the only way I knew that his ears were still bothering him was that he was waking up at night and having trouble going back to sleep, otherwise he has been pretty happy.  Moving onto brighter are some pics from our 10 month photo shoot.  As usual, Wyatt didn't sit still for longer than 2 seconds but at least he smiled :)

Love his big laughs!

Coming after the camera!

Standing up!

Some things Wyatt is up to now:

-Crawling very fast everywhere...there are multiple baby gates up at our house now :)
-Pulls to stand and able to stand alone for several seconds
-Walks while holding onto objects
-Loves to open drawers and pull out what is inside
-Still nursing 3-5 times per day and eating mostly table food...LOVES snacks
-Climbs up stairs
-Loves to read books with Mommy (for short periods of time)
-Knows how to open the drain in the bathtub and finds it very- fascinating!
-Likes to watch Sesame Street on TV
-Has 2 front bottom teeth and is learning to use them for everything...opening the lid on his puffs, biting Mommy's shoulder, knawing on his crib, etc
-Hates to be told no when he wants something and does not easily forget what he is going after :)

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