Monday, August 30, 2010


Wyatt has been in need of a haircut for awhile now, but Mommy was a little nervous/sad about it so has been putting it off :)  With a trip to the beach coming up though, I knew it had to be done!  Now that it is over, it wasn't bad at all and I am glad that the rat tail is gone!  We took him to Cookie Cutters and he got to sit in a red car and watch cartoons while getting his hair can't beat that!  He was pretty well behaved, moved around some but no tears (from him or Mommy).  And now he looks like such a big boy!

Getting ready!  He loved playing with the comb.

A good "before" pic of the scraggly back

Driving his car

A goldfish snack makes everything ok

All done!!  So handsome!

Side view

Apparently we didn't get a finished pic of the back.  I am sure I have one in our vacation pics, but I haven't got around to uploading those yet.  Stay tuned :)

1 comment:

Scott, Emily, Cara and Will said...

Look at the big boy hair cut! So cute!!