Monday, January 18, 2010

6 months

Happy half-year birthday to my sweet little boy!

Wyatt's 6 month stats:
weight: 17lbs 11oz (55th %)
height: 28 in (93rd %)
head:  58th %

Wyatt had his 6 month checkup today.  His weight is finally leveling out (which the doc says is normal and fine) and he is still tall (a fact that makes Daddy happy and less worried that he is going to be a shorty like his Mom)!  The doc gave him an A+ for health and strength!  Poor boy had to have 3 shots, but at least now we have a break from shots for awhile :)

Some of the things Wyatt is up to now:

-sits by himself
- chatters alot, even said dada the other day
- loves to laugh, especially when you tickle his chunky thighs :)
- eating several fruits and veggies...his favorites are sweet potatoes and pears
- is quite the mama's boy right now
- very interested in the computer and cell phones...can you tell what he sees mom and dad doing alot??
- is now sitting up in carts and high chairs when he goes out to stores/restaurants (although he prefers to be held or standing in my lap most of the time we are out!)
-has started holding and trying to drink from his sippy cup and an open cup (this usually results in most of the water running down our shirts)!

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