Sunday, November 7, 2010

15 Months

Finally getting around to Wyatt's 15 month update.  He had a good visit to the pediatrician (other than the 3 shots, yuck!).  He is still not saying alot of words, so we are working on that and will see how he is doing at his 18 month checkup before doing anything more. 
15 month stats:
weight:  22 lbs 10 oz (26%)
height:  33 in (93%)  all his height is in his long legs :)

Things Wyatt is up to at 15 months:
- runs, runs, and runs some more!
- favorite word is still "uh-oh", every time he drops something, throws something, knocks something over, the dogs do something bad, etc.  that word gets used alot :)
- other words are "dada" (another favorite), "mama", and the occasional "hi", "on", "yum", and lots of babbling
- signs "more", "please", "eat", "drink", "touchdown" (not sure that is an official sign), "hot", and we are working on "thank you"
- loves to read books.  brings them to you all the time, and will push your face back to look at the page if you aren't paying attention for a second :)
- cries when you tell him no
- works on his golf swing for long periods of time by  placing any ball-shaped object on his golf tee and hitting it with his club
- dances when music comes on
- likes to point out eyes, belly button, and ears (especially on the dogs!)
- tries to kiss all dogs or other animals he comes in contact with
- down to one (1-2 hour) nap per day...Mommy is really missing that second nap!
- suddenly decided that he loves his milk and will chug an 8 oz cup in no time and then throw down the cup when it is empty...I am hoping this is not a habit he continues in his college days!
- is becoming a more picky eater.  feeds most of his veggies to the dogs.  loves fruit (especially bananas) and chicken.
Enjoying his lollipop from the doctor's office

I'll take that camera!
Showing off his 6 teeth!

Sharing his lollipop with Peyton...such a good brother :)

One of his other favorite activities is playing in the dog food.  He loves to feed it to them too!

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