Monday, March 7, 2011

18 months

So, this post has been in the works for way.too.long!!  I have been waiting for myself to upload and edit the few pics I have taken this year and finally got around to here is the 18 month post (only 2 months late).

My baby boy is not quite a baby anymore! How did he get so big....and when will he start listening to me?! He had another good checkup with the doctor, besides the 2 shots of course. He continues to grow like crazy....

Height: 34 1/4 inches ( 90%)
Weight: 24 lbs 6 oz (30%)
He is wearing mostly 24 month clothes. It seems like I am constantly packing clothes away that he has outgrown, and it always makes me a little sad to see them packed away. 

Some things Wyatt is up to now:
- Taking one nap a day anywhere from 45 minutes-2 hours.  Likes to go to bed early, around 7 pm.  Not sure how a night owl like myself ended up with a child who hates to nap and loves to go to bed early!?

- Favorite food is any kind of fruit, especially grapes and blueberries and still loves chicken.  Will only eat veggies if they are dipped in ranch or hummus (he loves hummus too!)  Loves to dip all his foods!

-  Loves to play with any kind of ball, especially his new basketball hoop

-  Insists on watching his new DVD player anytime we are in the car, even if it is for 5 minutes :)

- Doing a little better with his words.  Picks up any phone, remote, baby monitor, etc, holds it up to his ear and says "hewwo".  So cute!  Other favorite words are "uh-oh", "dad", "hi", "eyes", "cheese","yah"

  - Climbing on everything!

-  Hates loud noises, they make him cry :(

-Loves to read books, dance, wear shoes and hats, play with our iphones, and get into everything!

Not sure what to think of his snow gear but he sure loved playing in the snow!  He cries when we come inside :(

Look at all those teeth (and the cute Colts hat)!!  4 on top, 4 on bottom, and some 2-year molars staring to poke through!

Loves tools and any chance to "help" Daddy and Mommy around the house!
Loves his paci and lovie dog, especially when he gets tired!  He looks so sweet here, I just love him!!

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