Friday, March 11, 2011

Little Monster

Before reading/looking at these pics, let me say a few things.  First, I realize Wyatt is wearing pajamas in alot of our recent pics.  Don't judge, it is winter and we haven't gotten out alot :)  Second, my house looks like a disaster in most all of these pics.  I think once you see them, there will not be a need for an explanation :)  Third, these pics were all taken within about a 1-hour period, maybe even less.  This kid can get into alot of trouble in no time at all!!  I think that about covers it.  Here is the little Wy monster...

He loves messing with the lazy susan in the kitchen.  Note the "child lock" that is working really well ;-)

And this is the kind of thing that happens shortly after...sprinkles (or whatever else he can get a hold of) all over the floor!

Climbing on the stove

Getting into the tv cabinet where the PS3 and Wii live

Pulling out the dvd's.  Note another child lock that is not exactly doing it's job ;-)

Playing with the computer.  Don't mind the missing keys...

Jumping on the couch

Climbing on the dining room table.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Seeing these pics makes me feel better :) Jacob is doing all of those same things, except he hasn't learned to climb the stove yet (no handle on the bottom part). And, he spends a lot of time in his pajamas AND our house always looks like a tornado (named Jacob) went through it. It's exhausting trying to keep up with him!