Sunday, February 21, 2010

7 Months

Just a week late :)  Our 7 month photo shoot was not the best...Wyatt was really not in the mood and for some reason, I was not focusing the camera very well.  Oh well, guess there is always next month to try again :)

Things Wyatt has been doing this month:

- Figured out how to walk forward and maneuver in his walker.  He is really enjoying this new found freedom and being able to explore (get into things) and chase the dogs around the house.
-Eating lots of fruits and veggies, yogurt (loves), puffs, cheerios, animal crackers, and loves to try bites of whatever you are eating!
- Rocks forward to hands and knees from sitting, but no actual crawling yet.
- Lots of drooling and chewing but no teeth yet.
- Can drink from a sippy cup by himself (pretty much) 

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