Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Unexpected Hospital Visit

Well, I wan't plannning on spending the night at Women's Hospital for several more weeks, but apparently my body had other plans for me. I have been having some minor lower abdominal cramping for a few days, that I assumed was growing pains. Then on Monday evening, I developed excrutiating lower back pain on my right side, along with the lower abdomen cramps. I called the MD and they sent me to the hospital. Basically, we found that I have a yucky bladder/kidney infection and was rather dehydrated. It was a very miserable few hours to say the least. Once they finally got my IV in, a combination of Morphine, Zofran, and fluids finally did the trick! Luckily, Wyatt is doing just fine. They have been monitoring his heartrate, and he was kicking lots at the monitors on my belly! In other good news, my cervix is closed tight and my uterus is "irritable" according to the monitor, but no true contractions to be concerned about. I am very thankful that he has decided to stay put for a while longer! I am feeling much better today...hopefully home late tonight after 24 hours of IV antibiotics. I will have to remain on po antibiotics the rest of my pregnancy and drink at least 2 liters (yikes!) of water per day to prevent this from happening again. Otherwise, hopefully we won't be back here for at least 10 more weeks! I have learned that I make a much better nurse than I do a patient!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear, but glad Wyatt is ok. Follow the doctors orders and praying you stay healthy.
I agree with you...look at your growing belly and throw the measurements out the window! Doctors don't know everything. Hee hee!

Andrea said...

I'm glad everything is ok!

Leslie said...

Glad you both are ok!

Chris & Kitty Bishop said...

Thank heaven it is something that ONLY 2 liters of water will be able to prevent...I'll try and keep tabs on you at work :) On a serious note, glad to hear that you are feeling much better and little Wyatt handled it like a breeze! Take care of yourself!
Love Kitty

Scott, Emily, Cara and Will said...

I hope your bladder can handle 2 liters of water a day :) If we can't find you at work we know where you will be! Glad all is well and you will be going home soon! Take care and let me know if you need anything!

The Peterson Family said...

I am glad to hear you are doing better. I had just checked out your blog earlier today for the first time. I love it! I will say a prayer for you and Wyatt.