Friday, May 1, 2009

30 Week Update

We had our 30-week doctor appt today, along with an ultrasound to check on Wyatt's growth. Great news!! Everything looked good...they estimated his weight at 2lbs 15oz which is the 52nd percentile (meaning that he is "average" size). They also checked the blood flow to the placenta with a doppler and amniotic fluid levels and all was normal...what a relief!! My belly is still measuring about 4 weeks behind but it did grow over the past 2 weeks and I gained 3 more pounds (big thanks to Emily's chocolate chip cookies and Wendy's frosties)!! My doctor says that since the ultrasound was good, we won't worry too much about the measurements, it is probably just the way I am carrying and my small size. We will probably continue to get more ultrasounds to keep on eye on everything complaints from me about that :)
Here are a few pictures of our little guy...we also confirmed again that he is indeed a boy :)

Profile view...isn't he handsome!

bottom of his foot

Another profile shot with his arm bent up and his hand by his face

It was fun to get an idea of how he is laying in there. His head is still down and the tech confirmed that his spine and bottom are shoved into my ribs on the if I didn't know that :) Then, he is kicking me with his legs on the left side of my belly. We are having a 3D/4D ultrasound next week just for fun, so hopefully I will have more good pictures then!! Thanks to everyone for their support, advice, and prayers over the past few weeks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad for the good news! Keep up the good eatin';0)